About Herndon UMC            Our Staff             Our Leadership            Map

Information about Herndon UMC

Welcome Guests!  Here are some guest information and Frequently Asked Questions.  If you have another question, send us an email.  We would love to hear from you!

Where is Herndon UMC?

Herndon UMC has a wonderful building at 701 Bennett Street in Herndon. There is plenty of parking, and you can park on the street too when school is not in session.

The building serves as a community center for many activities–Herndon High School teams, basketball leagues (including our Upward Basketball ministry), Girl Scouts, homeowners associations, the LINK Christmas toy drive, and so on.

Who is Herndon UMC?

This is a church made up of all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds.  There will be people from nearby in Herndon and Reston and farther in Leesburg (and even farther through worship online). Our church is made stronger by your presence here. We consider everyone a part of the family so make yourself at home. We are a “come as you are” church.  Some will dress up for worship and some will not.

Herndon UMC has a rich legacy and an over 160 year history.  There is a History Ministry that helps us remember our longstanding commitment to the community around us.  You can explore more of that around our building.

Is there a statement of beliefs?

At Herndon United Methodist Church, we believe . . .

God’s Love is Real
God’s Love is Active
God’s Love is for Everyone

God’s Love is Real – God loves us without conditions. We do not have to earn it and there is nothing we can do to lose it. It is not theoretical or figurative, it is always with us, now and forever. Nothing will separate us from God’s Love.

God’s Love is Active – God is all around us. While our faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen, we celebrate His creation of our world. We see His Spirit in the kindness and compassion of strangers, in the laughter of children, in our ability to forgive and to be forgiven, and in our love of others.

God’s Love is for Everyone – God’s blessings are universal. There is no condition, prerequisite action, or life situation that will deny God’s grace and comfort. His mercy and compassion are shared by all his creation and the creatures within it. God, through Jesus, has taught us to love one another as He loves us – no exceptions.

What if I am interested in membership?

What a joy that you are interested in taking next steps with us!  

Monthly, usually on the second Sunday of the month, there is a lunch gathering around Herndon called Discover Herndon.  Look for specifics in the News and worship announcements.  This is an opportunity to explore what membership at Herndon UMC might be like.  It is not a commitment to join, just an opportunity to have lunch with a Pastor to learn more and discover more about Herndon.

Following attending Discover Herndon, you will be invited to join the Newcomers Life Group for a few weeks (about a month).  This is another opportunity to learn more about Herndon UMC and to get to know more people.

Of course, at any time you are invited to contact Pastor Jonathan, jonathan@herndonumc.org, and to join other groups and teams in serving and sharing God’s love! Our community is richer for having your set of unique gifts as a part of it!

Meet the Herndon UMC Staff

Herndon UMC is blessed with a wonderful, dedicated staff.  The staff loves all the amazing people we get to work with while serving God.  If you have questions, ask any of us.  If we do not know the answers, we will put you in touch with the right person. 

Jonathan Page

Jonathan Page

Senior Pastor

Scott Bach-Hansen

Scott Bach-Hansen

Associate Pastor

JoAnn Batteiger

JoAnn Batteiger

Student Ministries

Mallory Hopper

Mallory Hopper


Anna Schlegel

Anna Schlegel

HUMC Preschool

Melissa Chavez

Melissa Chavez

Music & Worship Ministries

Shannon Wise

Shannon Wise


Margaret Tobat

Margaret Tobat

Children's Music

Luis Gonzalez

Luis Gonzalez


Jenn Albanus

Jenn Albanus

AV Technician

Jen Score

Jen Score

Office Manager

Julie Albanus

Julie Albanus

Business and Communications

Karen Craley

Karen Craley

Nursery Worker

Diana Grace

Diana Grace

Nursery Worker

Kayla Miller

Kayla Miller

Nursery Worker

Herndon UMC Lay Leadership

Herndon UMC is currently using a modified version of the simplified accountability structure.  To see a diagram of leadership as presented at the Charge Conference in June of 2022, follow this link.

Herndon UMC is blessed to have some incredible leaders steering our church, ministries and missions. Here are some names and contact information for our leadership teams.

Jay Horstman
Trustees | Resource Management Team

Mary Lou Blevins
Membership Secretary

*Sally Block
Resource Management Team Chair
(703) 447-1376 (Mobile)

Jessica Dzara
Children’s Ministries

Michael Branson
Strategic Planning Team | Resource Management Team


Larry Greenfield
Student Ministries | United Methodist Men
(703) 209-4921 (Mobile)

Sheridan Kramer
History Ministry | District Representative
(703) 430-1040 (Home)
(703) 508-1604 (Mobile)

Susan Malcolm, Pat Simons
United Women in Faith

Laura Medvene
Resource Management Team

Martina McCabe
Resource Management Team

Warren Miller

Steve Thompson
Treasurer | Resource Management Team

Jim Seevers
Lay Leader
(703) 435-7755 (Home)
(703) 424-3119 (Mobile)

Pat Seevers
(703) 435-7755 (Home)

Jon Simons
Conference Delegate

Map of 701 Bennett Street