Backpack Foods for Dranesville ES | Extended

Backpack Foods for Dranesville ES | Extended

Our goal is to fill 200 bags. The youth will be packing 100 bags for the first delivery, and everyone is invited to help on 10/02 at 4pm with the second 100 . We will meet in the big kitchen.
Sign up for specific food items, due by Thursday 09/22. If you would prefer to make a financial donation (to “Backpacks”), we will be happy to do the shopping.

The Closet of Greater Herndon

The Closet of Greater Herndon

Willing volunteers are needed to sort donations, stock shelves, bag customers’ purchases, and assist customers. The Closet is returning to pre-pandemic, regularly scheduled “Herndon UMC” volunteer days. Email Bill or Betty Arey at to find out how you can get connected.

Herndon Homecoming Parade | Oct 8

Herndon Homecoming Parade | Oct 8

Represent Herndon UMC and show your community spirit and support for Herndon High School by walking in the Herndon Homecoming Parade. The parade theme this year is “Under the Sea”. Sign up online or email for more information.

Youth Singers Wanted!

Youth Singers Wanted!

If you sing in your school choir, acapella group, or just love singing in the shower, you’re invited to be a part of a small youth vocal ensemble that will share a song in worship at the 10am service on 10/16. This will be a low-key, low-time commitment pop-up group with only a few 30 minute rehearsals happening right after youth group on 10/2 and 10/9 from 12:30 – 1pm. Rehearsals will be held in the Sanctuary. Hope to see you there. Contact Shannon,